What if the music stopped? - On Empowering the Music Community by building stronger bonds
Di. 21.11.2023   19:30 Uhr

What if the music stopped? - On Empowering the Music Community by building stronger bonds
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1st Co-curated Community Event: What if the music stopped? - On Empowering the Music Community... mehr
Dienstag, 21. November 2023   19:30 Uhr

1st Co-curated Community Event: What if the music stopped? - On Empowering the Music Community by building stronger bonds

A Music Pool Community Event discussing how we can improve conditions and build a stronger network.

The writers, and now actors, strike in the USA is a significant example of creatives uniting to challenge major companies and the unfavorable conditions in their work. But what about the music industry? In this engaging session, we will address important questions impacting the music industry. Recent challenges, especially those highlighted during the pandemic, have made it evident that musicians and other participants in the music business often had to face numerous challenges on their own, underscoring the need for change. This, coupled with the ongoing issues related to music streaming and limited alternative options, lead to the following discussion topics:

Could a Strike be Possible in the Music Industry?
Enhancing Working Conditions
How can we build a stronger community within the industry?
Navigating the Streaming Dilemma

But here's the twist: We're not here just to dwell on the problems. Our focus is on finding solutions and empowering our community. Join us for an inspiring conversation filled with fresh ideas and a positive outlook.


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House of Music
Revaler Straße 99
10245 Berlin
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