Achieving The Perfect Vocal Take - From Warm-Up To The Recording Booth
Di. 18.03.2025   14 Uhr

Achieving The Perfect Vocal Take - From Warm-Up To The Recording Booth
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22,00 € *



  • A12724
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22,00 € *
22,00 € * Ausverkauft
The workshop is designed for singers/songwriters/recording artists and combines theoretical as... mehr
Dienstag, 18. März 2025   14:00 Uhr

The workshop is designed for singers/songwriters/recording artists and combines theoretical as well as practical elements.

Duration: 4 hours, suitable for up to 8 participants.

the first part of the workshop, we will warm up and get acquainted with
the "Free Your Voice" method: “Singing without thinking”:

- Exercise: Breathing and sound production.
- Theoretical knowledge of the respiratory system
- Exercise: Pulling the sound forward.
*optional: with physical exercise tool
- Introducing the special “Free your voice” techniques for voice production
- Mental preparation: Dealing with limiting beliefs, anxiety and destructive thoughts, turning the gaze inside. Practice.

In the second part we will work with each participant on his song. (*In recording studio)

- Individual work in front of the group
- Questions and problem solving
- Song interpretation
- Controlling of the voice effortlessly
- Releasing on-line thoughts

*Each participant will have around 20 minutes of work.
*According to the number of registers

Coach: Sharon Levi


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House of Music
Revaler Straße 99
10245 Berlin
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Fr 14.03.2025
14:00 Uhr
KSK, GEMA & GVL Beratung Ole DEU/ENG KSK, GEMA & GVL Beratung Ole DEU/ENG
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