Artist Meetup - Spring 25
Mi. 23.04.2025   19:30 Uhr

Artist Meetup - Spring 25
0,00 € *



  • A12867
Ticket: Standard
0,00 € *
0,00 € *
For our spring Artist Meetup, we look forward to collaborate with Weisse Rose in Schöneberg.... mehr
Mittwoch, 23. April 2025   19:30 Uhr

For our spring Artist Meetup, we look forward to collaborate with Weisse Rose in Schöneberg. Weisse Rose is a concert venue and a space for youth culture. Many artists in Berlin's music communities take their first steps in music here, recording or playing on stage. With our community programme moving through different clubs and districts over the years, this is also our first evening in the Schöneberg neighbourhood.

The Music Pool Berlin Artist Meetup is a regular meeting place for musicians in Berlin, to meet and network across scenes and genres, exchange, and maybe find new collaborations and eventually also build solidary connections. Eight short concerts of usually a wide spectrum of sounds and music make up the stage programme, and musicians can apply for one of the slots.

On stage, each musician or band has 10 minutes to play 2 songs or tracks live, with a basic setup. It also possible to show music videos or talk about a project. Please do use the stage also to mention what you are currently looking for (your future drummer may be in the audience) or ask for feedback. After the stage programme, there will be space and time to talk and meet. To chat more about the presentations, to discuss potential collaborations, to exchange ideas and contacts. And to move better together than alone. There will be ways also for those not performing on stage to present what you are looking for or offering. We look forward to another meetup of exchange - between scenes, different interests and experiences, and on new joint pathways.

If you would like to apply for one of the concert/presentation slots, please email to, with a link to your music and some info on why you would like to present, by 9 April 2025.

The Artist Meetup is a good opportunity to see a great show on stage with music across different genres, to meet and get to know fellow artists across scenes, and find new collaborations.


Ort  |  Route anzeigen  
Die Weiße Rose
Martin-Luther-Straße 77
10825 Berlin
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